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Project Info

Brand Guide

HOEK home approached us as a well-established and thriving business, yet they lacked a clear and comprehensive brand guide that would facilitate their growth as a recognizable brand in the marketplace. While they had identified one primary brand colour, their selection of fonts did not align with the brand image they aspired to project to their customers. In response to their needs, they commissioned us to develop a detailed brand guide that would serve as a cornerstone for their branding efforts.

Additionally, we were tasked with creating a colour palette that not only complemented their products but also provided a versatile foundation for various marketing and design initiatives. Our goal was to ensure that both their online and physical presence conveyed a unified and cohesive brand identity. To achieve this, we generated several initial concepts for the colour palette and subsequently refined two of the sets of colours that resonated with their vision. The final selection was met with great enthusiasm from the HOEK home team.

When it came to font selection, the client was particularly insistent on using Times New Roman for their heading font, despite our professional recommendations suggesting alternatives. However, they were receptive to our suggestion of Trade Gothic for the body font, which we believe embodies a clean and modern aesthetic. This choice aligns well with the contemporary and distinctive nature of their products, ultimately enhancing their overall brand identity.

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